Re-enable an Azure Function App if it has been disabled/stopped due to exceeding the quota limit

Ali Bahraminezhad
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


If you have deployed any Azure Function with Consumption Plan, you already know that you can define a daily usage quota in the function runtime settings.

By default, it’s unlimited (default as zero) but since it’s on consumption plan and to prevent any unexpected costs, it’s wise to define a daily usage cap. When the app hit its daily usage qoata (which is in GB-per-sec) it goes to Disabled state like the picture below:

An example of disabled azure function due to exceeding its daily usage.

If we make a mistake in quota estimation and due to a busy our function get disabled, re-enabling it is not possible from the portal and as Azure says in the same page:

When the daily usage quota is exceeded, the function app is stopped until the next day at 0:00 AM UTC.

Increasing quota won’t help for the same day

Some people may think they can just increase the quota, but it won’t work for the same day; it will only be applied for the next day. As you can see in the screenshot above, I increased the value but it’s still disabled.

Hopefully with the help of ARM or Azure Resources Explorer we can solve the issue.

To reactivate; an disabled azure function just follow steps below:

An screenshot of the page
  • Step — 3 On the left side-bar, open your subscription and follow this path
- Your Subscription 
- Your Resource Group
- Your Azure Function Resource Group
- Providers (click on show all)
- Microsoft.Web
- Sites
- Select your Azure Function App

if you follow the above path; you’ll see an screen as below:

  • First check if that’s your azure function you want to reactivate, as you can see in the screenshot, the state of if it’s marked as “Disabled”
  • On the top bar, first change the mode to “Read/Write” so we can make changes to the resource
  • Click on Edit, so the resource JSON becomes editable
  • In the properties, find enabled:false and set it to true;
  • Then click on Patch button to save it, it takes a couple of seconds to be applied
  • Restart your app function in the overview page of Azure Portal
  • Voila, Function is Running



Ali Bahraminezhad
Ali Bahraminezhad

Written by Ali Bahraminezhad

I’m a geek, a software engineer who likes to build amazing stuff 😉Here on Medium I write about different things but mostly focused on programming and .NET!

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